Our leather bags are almost here! If you haven't seen our designs yet, take a look here to view the pre-collection. We spent quite some time fine-tuning all the details & finishing techniques - a lot of trial and error sampling with different textures, colours, cuts and grades of leather to ensure that this limited edition collection is launched at it's very best. We have opted for a hint of colour to brighten up this collection with a vibrant mustard yellow. The combination colour bags are our favourites! Especially designed for those who want something a little different but still with a wearability factor. The response we've had so far has been incredible and the feedback received has enabled us to improve & tweak any initial imperfections to create a product that meets the practical and visual demands of our customers. We have made all the necessary amendments and our bags are finally in production! Available soon so keep your eyes open! If you'd like to get in there first and pre-order, please feel free to get in touch via the contact form here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.